Tuesday, December 23, 2008
Christmas in Kazakhstan
Apologies for the lack of updates.
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Wednesday, November 5, 2008
Monday, October 6, 2008
Peace Corps announced our sites last week, and I'll be living in northern Kazakhstan, which also happens to be southern Siberia. It'll be cold, but I'm going where I wanted to go.
I've mentioned before that this isn't the typical Peace Corps experience. Case in point: Yesterday, after school, I went over to a fellow volunteer's homestay and fixed their wireless router, webcam, and printer. Then, her host mom drove me home in a brand new car with a touch-screen audio system while we talked about interior design. It might sound like the Peace Corps isn't even needed here, but I think that I can help a lot in the educational system, both because native English speakers are rare here and because I think there's a lot to be gained, on both sides, by sharing ideas about teaching methodology. And, obviously, the middle class, which I think is vital to stability if you're a capitalist society (especially a new one), is still growing.
Today I'm teaching parts 3 and 4 of a 4-part lesson loosely based on the topic of family. I'm going to play a clip of a stand up comedy routine by Jerry Seinfeld about "old people in Florida" and have a discussion about differences between how the elderly live in Kazakhstan and the US. I'm excited, and I think it gives the students motivation, too, when the teacher brings materials that he/she prepared him/herself.
As for free time, we got together last weekend to watch the movie Serenity, which is a continuation of the science fiction TV show Firefly. There's a bit of a geek factor in our group, and I like that.
Sunday, September 28, 2008
Some students from the tourism department of the university took us to a couple places around town today. Photo post follows (by the way, click any image for a larger version):
Autumn already started.
A statue.
Contemplating Kazakhstan.
Motion blur
WWII, known here as the Great Patriotic War
The "silly" photo with the Beatles.
Wish I'd gone on this thing.
The funicular. One of my favorite words, incidentally.
The sled thingy again.
Emily and the city
You can't rock climb in heels here.
I'm sick of repression under the Regime of Work. (Seriously though, it's a mistranslation of the Russian word "rezhim," which should have been rendered as "schedule.") On top is Kazakh, middle is Russian, and you know which one is English.
I don't know what this thing is, but it liked flowers and had eye spots.
Emily wanted me to take a picture of this tree with my (sort of) long lens.
Looks like the TV Tower in Berlin.
This bird isn't gonna take it anymore.
Autumn again.
Motion blur again.
Duck A
Duck B
Apparently, the "silly" photo a second time. I'm not used to the formatting on Blogger.
Now the real photo. According to what I've read, people in the USSR were also part of Beatlemania.
Autumn yet again.
A rather desolate-looking see-saw. The park is actually rather nice, though.
Emily and Eliza on the swings.
Saturday, September 27, 2008
The presidential debates were on early in the morning here, so some other volunteers and I went to a Peace Corps staff person's apartment to watch them before sessions started. This Peace Corps staff person also, as it turned out, had pancake batter ready and made us pancakes. (It's exciting to learn about other cultures' eating habits - here, for example, not everyone distinguishes between "breakfast foods," "lunch foods," and "dinner foods," so you eat whatever, whenever - but it was also nice to have a typical American breakfast.)
Next week, Peace Corps will tell us what our permanent sites in Kazakhstan will be. I think it's technically against security regulations to post the place's name in a semi-public blog, but I'm pretty sure I'm in regular enough contact with everyone who reads this that you'll find out if you're curious to know.
At the university today, a different Peace Corps staff person asked me if I'd be interested in being an interpreter for an upcoming counterpart conference (when some volunteers meet with their counterparts in local NGOs). Now, my Russian is intermediate at best, but there's apparently a lack of interpreters, so even my far from fluent* Russian would be preferable to nothing. That sounds exciting to me - I've worked in translation but never interpretation - and I was flattered that they thought my Russian would even be halfway passable for a job like that.
After sessions, another volunteer and I did some brief food shopping. First, we went to the Korean grocery store and bought kimchi (pickled - I think - vegetables with spices). I like the food in Kazakhstan, but it's not spicy, so it was really great to eat something that was. I didn't even realize until I ate the kimchi how much I'd missed spicy food. Anyway, the next stop was a store that had a big selection of the local brand of candies. (Side note: The woman at the candy counter, once she heard my accent, asked if my friend and I were German. It's interesting that people don't automatically assume I'm American. I've gotten French before, too, as well as British. In fact, people generally seem to assume I'm an ethnic Russian and are often visibly surprised when they hear me speak with an accent.) They're very good, and they're also very inexpensive. I got one kind called "Bird's Milk" (Do birds have milk?) and one called "Songs of Abai" (Abai was a famous Kazakh poet). Finally, we picked up a couple tomatoes from a produce stand, and we cooked rice with chopped tomatoes, which we then topped with some beans I'd cooked yesterday. Cheap, delicious, and vegan, even.
Interesting fact: People don't use voice mail on their phones in Kazakhstan, as far as I can tell. My cell phone, for example, doesn't even have any settings or buttons for voice mail. As best as I can surmise, nobody feels like they need or want it.
*Remember Volkswagen's "Fahrvergnügen" - "driving pleasure" - ad campaign, as well as the resultant parody T-shirts? "Far from fluent" sounds like "Fahrvergnügen." Incidentally, "Fahrvergnügen," as I understand the matter, is a construction that nobody would ever actually create in real German.
Thursday, September 18, 2008
Here's my semi-public Peace Corps blog (by semi-public, I mean that it's accessible by invite - all you have to do is ask me). As you probably know, I'm in Kazakhstan with Peace Corps' university English teaching program. Right now I'm in what's called pre-service training, or PST, and in November, I'll be sworn in as a volunteer and will teach English, probably other subjects, and maybe even German at a university.
Right now, I live in an apartment with a host family. The Soviet-era exterior is a big contrast to the cozy interior. We have DSL, satellite TV, a shower, hot water, and a washing machine, so it's not the Peace Corps experience that initially comes to mind for most people. That's fine with me, though, because frankly, it's nice, and I still feel like I can make a difference here even if I'm machine-washing my clothes as I type. Besides, sometimes the hot water stops working, and you can feel a little more Peace Corps-y by boiling water in a teapot and mixing it with cold water in a bucket to bathe.
Our days here mostly consist of Russian language lessons, "technical sessions" (i.e. safety, health, lesson planning, university structure, etc.), and the English club that we're running during training. It's a busy schedule, but it's only for a month and a half more.
Here are some photos from last month. The bird was trained, not wild, if you were wondering. And the horse was also domestic. But still cool. The other people are a fellow volunteer (technically, trainee, but "volunteer" seems like a better all-purpose word), her host sister, and her friend.